Monday, May 24, 2010


Wordboner is a website which dedicates there work to quotography, typography and other written material which is all designed in a clean and creative format by founder and owner of the website, Peter Kay. They also produce t-shirts for there designs which sell world wide.

This first design is of the words 'Appealing' and 'Appalling' tied in together. I really like this design because of the use of overlapping, the creativity and crafting behind it and it's simplicity of it all.

The second one is in a the same style as the first one but using the two words, 'Lust' and 'Love' intertwined together. I like the use of colour used in this one with the love in a red/pink hue. I also like how lust is over powering the word love because to me, lust does always overpower love, and in a sense this is what this typographic design is making.

(2009). Retrieved May 25 2010.
Teepography (2009) Retrieved May 25 201o.

1 comment:

  1. Use of typography like this always amuses me.

    Really interesting how people think up this stuff!
